Thursday 15 October 2009

Redundancy Fears Force People To Seek Debt Management

As the recession continues, a lack of job security and possible redundancy is forcing people in the UK to seek advice on debt management, debt consolidation and voluntary arrangements.

Research shows that legal help lines are receiving a fifth more calls than this time last year, many of the calls are relating to employment matters.

Private legal help can be very costly. Consumers are risking throwing themselves into further debt by consulting a private solicitor. This is not good, especially if finances are among the concerns.

Many people are seeking legal advice because of employment problems caused directly by the recession. The employment problems are far ranging, covering redundancies, a reduction in hours and pay, or changes in employment contracts.

We would recommend homeowners to include legal advice in their home insurance premiums to avoid the risk of having to spend even more should they find themselves in a difficult position.

More people who have property are now considering renting it out for extra income because of fears of redundancy, rising mortgage debt and the harsh economic conditions.

The average amount of money owed by every adult in the UK, including mortgages, is said to be around £30,000.

debt management can help you with your financial difficulties straight away. If you are having difficulties making your loan payments, paying your credit card bills or store cards, please contact our friendly team.

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